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Ai që e Run Vetën, Ai e Gjen Shpëtimin, Ai që nuk run vetën e Gjen Shkatërrimin

Kral jom kralicen e kom M'don e du loqk e kom

Si Gjithmon Ne Disponim Jom Kan Edhe jaM ai qe Ma Prish DispOniMin 1000 T'Zeza Ja ThoM

S'po nalna flas po t'pengoj PLAS! t'vjen inati qe kam talent e ti s'ki,po t'vjen inati qe jam krenar per venin tem G-Lan-G!

kur vjen puna per interes krejt po t'thojn mir'mengjes nese s'ka asgje me thes,t'thojn ishalla des!
Nese smenon ti per veten kerkush ska me menu per ty nese ti se gjen tverteten kan met rrejt ata sy

Ne Katun Kur Ske Femer Osht Trradit Me I Hyp Dhis, Vec Mos Me Ngel Virgjin Ne Dit Te Burrnis

Spo ju shkon , hiq spo jav donnnn Secili Shokin evet po e kundershton

Une Jom Qai i QIMi NoNëS që Luj Horë n'Maje t'GjiLpoNëS,i Graj KerriT me Gishta t'KoMës vEq Për iNaTi t'NjoNëS


?Deri sa ne vazhdojm me RockSonte krejt i perballojm deri sa her luftojm fitojm 5000 Giga herc Shepjtesia me e te cilen Na Sulmojm

3 fjal, 2 rreshta, 1 rim me 1 domethonje; TI JE NONQIM

po Mendoj. Nonen tonde qysh ta Lexoj Ta kontrolloj biruat tja zbuloj:d

Imagjino të paimagjinueshmen... Beso të pabesueshmen... Here I am, Come and Get Some

Qysh Spot Vjen Marre Mi thon Vetit Shqiptar,Kur Ti Hala 10 Vjet ne Both si ki o MaGar! me mu po don me bo PAZar

Pe ja nisi 3 2 1 kadaldale n'gjak kom me t'hi kom me tu bo si **%%@ pa mue me nejt shanc nuk ki !

Rrota e mrapt ta ka nxone tparen a sje tu a pa qe po ta hup faren mbledhe veten diqka perparo Hup ma Shpejt Mos um Nervozo

Me 2 rreshta te helmoj te shtremoj te shkatrroj Me 2 fjal ju tranoj te faroj, n'rts te qoj krejt at vendin ja shkruni ta Eksplodoj...

fjalt e mia eksplosiv,me plot energji negativ,mirpo qellimi krejt pozitiv,per cdo fjal kam motiv

Qka me bo jam bo Djal i Shpis po nej veq me ni qik te kojshis

Qekirate 1 here jeten tane kshyre qka je tu maru a je naj sen tu perparu a veq teposhte tu shku

Qe Sa KOh Je Tu Prit Qellimin Me Arrit Mu Ne Tok MeM Qit Syt e Tu Me Pa NJe COp Drit

Aspak smun i kuptoj qeto femra,ju vjen ma mir mi thirr zemra,se sa n'emra! qka me bo, me rrena keq jan msu po duhet mi PerVlu

Veq kadal kadale neper male ti em nale per pun financiale un ja nisa me experimentale fatale banale jo normale t'lash pa minerale

ku t'meten ato shpresa se i pate neper thesa mos t'kan hi en kthesa me parashtesa me prapa shtesa afer te banesa kur une u dheza t'hupi besa

A bon me dit pse u trreme moj qik ski nevoj mu tut se Kosova sosht republik

Sa qike e mire je kur nuk ka qika tjera sa here jes pa asnjo vi tmarr ty te dera t'qoj te ishpa jeme t'kallxoj qa o dashnia

1,2,3 dilem perpara ta thej kryt sikur arra ndoshta skom provoj te madhe po nese don mu shty dikush me mu ska hajgare

Ndoshta jam brutal,po s'jam kanibal,besom vlla m'ka mbet nji pik moral! edhe pse cdo fundjav dal,edhe pse do njerz i coj ne mal

Mos ta nin ty kush jom me renci qe kejt i komEdhe n`GiLan jetoj tona t'kqiat t'mirat ktu i boj

Po Du Me Të Puth , Po Du Me Të Prek , Jo Që Po Du , Po Veq Mu Ka N'tek

Me Kujshin Tem Shum Mir e Kom Qu Qe As Vdekja Sna Ka Nda Per At Arsyje Edhe e Kom VrAa

Shqipnojen ne Flamur Me Knaqsi e Shikoj Ndihna krenar Qe Kosoven ne ket Bot e Reprezentoj

Kur Më Sheh A Më Njeh? A Më Flet Apo Bërtet? A Më Shikon Apo Më
Injoron A Më Harron A Po Më Tregon Se Ende Më Dashuron....

Vdekjes nuk i tutna se jom njeri i drejt,Gabimet ndaj meje te kushtojn shum shtrenjet

Talent jasht mrena kom t'cilin edhe munesh me vrejt e nese sem beson kon dush munesh me vet

S'po Di Me Ja Nis, S'po Di Me Ja Fillu, S'po Di Qysh Me U Shpreh, Se Sa Shum Të Du..... haha

Veq 1 Fjal T'ma Kishe Than, Kam Pas Zemren Me Ta Dhan, Tash Le Te
Digjet Zemra Prush, Qka Ta Ban Vetja Sta Ban Kush....!

Të Dua Më Do, Të Kujtoj Më Kujton, Të Kam Në Zemër Në Zemër Më Ke,
Por E Keqja Është Se Larg Meje Je...

Aty ku un piki lot lot si kur ti pik gjak gjak edhe pse me dhemb fort, fort e di qe afer te kam dhe e di qe afer teje jam

I ngrehi duart lart ne qiellë Dhe lus Zotin panderprerë Syte me mbushen perplot me lot Zemra me plas S'duroj me dot

Une edhe pse vdes ,une prap jetoj....Per islam gjithqka flijoj

Sa herë qe të shoh... Je ne zemer tem.. Rrugës kur kapërcen.. O na myte krejt...Loqka jem

Asgje e vecante, gjithcka procedon normalisht,LaNi Ksajde Me Juve Lun Bisht !!!

Kuku Qfar trupi ,qe krejt syt po mi trubullon sa sexy veshesh qe edhe Lemzen po ma Qon

Ti je e para qe e me shpirt e kam dashuru Veq s´do te thot qe ki me´m mungu

Une S`kom Asi Zemre T`musht plot Me Njolla - Une E Kom Zemren T`bardh Sikur Bora

Avash avash merre me avash Nuk ke kallash e as nuk po pi ashash Po je nga ata që Zemren ty ta Dhash !!

A je si hekur akull apo qelik ne durt e mia ki mu shkri.. jo qe jam qaq i nxeht por pi meje dojn mu dhi

Ti po Mendon qi mrrin me qito dikun me rren e me kanun kanun ka veq n`katun...

babadimer plak:P te kom per marak po qetash e ki tepru u bon tre vjet qe deshirat s'je tu mi plotesu!!! tash kom vendos met prit me dru:P

Une jom qai qe qdo sen ta deshmon... Une jom qai qe sherimin ta lehtson.. Ooo dosti jem emri jem gjithkon e Gëzon..

Rrugt e Jetes Nuk Kishin Perfundim Kthena me Vite Pas Ku Deshira Kish Ralizim

Tash s´po du me tu shit krral Por po du me te than se kokshe bal ik pi kti venit sa s´jam qu Se kejt trupin ka me ta qpu 



 Nika Anglisht per Msn Krejt per Love


I love you in blue, I love you in red. But most of all, I love you in bed
A heart is not a plaything, a heart is not a toy, but if you want it to be broken, just give it to a boy
A special smile a certain toutch, I never had someone I loved so much
Always look on the bright side of love
As long as forever, I will stay by your side; I,ll be your companion, your friend and your guide
Baby I fly your the only one I need in my life, Baby I just don,t know how to describe, How lovely you make me feel inside
Baby, I,m so into you! You,ve got that something, what can I do?
Be smart, Be clever put me in your heart 4-ever
Break my face, break my arms, my neck, but please don,t break my heart
Break my face, break my arms, my neck, but please don,t break my heart
Break my face, break my arms, my neck, but please don,t break my heart
Can I talk to you, Comfort you, Let you know, I care 4 you
Come And Dance With Me Tonight Feel The Rhythm Deep Inside. Touch Me Now! You Can Be My Casanova
Didn't want to leave you with a wrong impression didn,t want to leave you with my last confession Of love
Don't forget me, forget me never, but when you forget me, forget me forever
Don't love me for fun, love me for a reason..... let the reason be love!
Everything is fine when ((jouw) naam) is online
Friendship is like a glass, handle it with care ones its broken, its hard to repair
I don,t want you for a weekend, I don,t want you for a night, I want you for always
I dropped a tear in the ocean...Whenever they find it, I will dtop loving you...
I love MSN and I don,t love my girl/boyfriend because she is never online
I love you 2day, I love you 2morrow, I love you 4ever
I Love you more than a MSN name can say!
I Love you more then my teddybear but ssstttt don,t tell him
I may not be Fred/Wilma Flinstone, but i still can make your BED-ROCK..!
I still know the first time we kissed... We closed our eyes and missed!
I wanna kiss you. but I,m too shy because my friends think you,r ugly!
I wanna know if you feel the way I do, wanna know if theres a chance for me and you
I wasn,t just kissing him, I was telling his lips a secret
I Would Lie 4 U, Cry 4 U, Ride Or Die 4 U, Touch The Sky 4 U! If You,d Ask me 2!
I,ll risk everything I have, I,ll fight till I bleed. I,ll give you my life, if that,s what you need!
I,m wet,I,m tired and I,m ***sed!So don,t even think about mess with this pussy!
I,ve got a teddy-bear, He looks like you. I love my teddy-bear, but not as much as I love you.
I,ve lost my teddy-bear so would you sleep with me tonight?
If I told you, you had a great body, would you hold it against me?
If you say my eyes are beautiful, it*s because they are looking at you
If you,re be nice u can call me sweety, If you,re sweet u can call me honey, if you,re hot u can call me 2night!
If you,ve lost your watch, you could ask me the time, but if you,ve lost your boyfriend, don,t f*ck with mine
If I,m a bird than you are my seed, because you are the only one I need
I’m the one who wants to be with you, deep inside I hope you feel it too
Love is a feeling that you feel, when you feel a feeling that you have never felt before
Love is in the air, maar ik heb hoogtevrees
Love is like heaven, but it can hurt like hell
Love is love, love is you, I love love, so I love you
Love is love, love is you. I love love so I love yo
Love is one great mistery but I know I,ll never mis you
Love is the name , sex is the game forget the name en play the game
Love me for what I am, don’t hate me for what I’m not
Love me ore leave me...
HEY, where*s everybody goin
Mama never told me, papa don’t told me too, Girl that guy you’re foolin’ with he ain’t no good for you!
Many People Will Walk In And Out Your Live, But Only True Friends Leave Foodprints
Me no money, me no care. Me go marry milionair.
And if he dies, me no cry, me go marry other guy
Never say I love you, if you don,t really care... Never say I need you If you,renot really there..
Put this on my life The air I breathe in, all that I believe in I promise I,ll give my life my love and my trust if U was my boyfriend
Roses are red diaments are plastic, I am great, you are fantastic
Roses are red violets are blue maybe this night brings love to you
Roses are red violets are blue, suger is sweet and so are you!
Roses are red violets are blue... god made me sexy but what the hell happened to you?!
Roses are red violets are corny...ooohh baby you make me horny
Roses Are Red Voilets Are Green, I Love Your Leggs, And What,s In Between
Share your smile with everyone, but save your kiss for only one
Sometimes you make me smile, sometimes you make me cry, but my love for you will never die
Sorry, the f*ck-machine is out of order, so f*ck yourself and save a quarter
The girl is sexy, the girl is fine, but don*t forget* the girl is mine!
The Greatest Thing You,ll Ever Learn, Is Just To Love And To Be Loved In Return
This love I,ve got 4U is without a doubt untouchable
U Know That There,s A Place 4 U! A Place Inside My Heart! If U Would Only Talk 2 Me! We Could Make A Start
U R 2 gr8 2 b 4got10
Well you couldn,t be that man I adored You don,t seem to know, seem to care what your heart is for
When I was a baby I play whit toys, Now I,m a big girl I play whit boys
Why fall I always in love, when I don,t want to! I love you!
You became the light on the dark side of me
You can fall in the water, you can fall of a tree but the best way to fall is to fall in love with me
You can win me, you can lose me but never try 1 use me 2
You look like an angel, walk like an angel, talk like an angel. But I got wise: You’re the devil in disguise!
You must been under a lucky star to find a friend as nice as you are I will follow you to the end if you promise to be my friend
You people laugh because I,m different I laugh because you,reall the same
Your father must be a terrorist because you are tha bomb
Your kisses are so sweet, you,re the only one I need. The world keeps turnin, My heart keeps burnin

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